—> Two New Books <—
Changing Suns Press is excited to announce TWO NEW BOOKS
Both in paperback and (e)book
Wild Politics
by Luis Tapia
Translated by Nate Freiburger
Translator’s Introduction (PDF)
Paperback | 104 pp. | 4.5 x 7 in | August 2020
ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-9951551-8-3
PDF, EPUB and MOBI | May 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9951551-9-0
Wild Politics is the first in a series that challenges North to South knowledge flows. In this exciting new translation we share the work of Luis Tapia, a Bolivian philosopher and militant intellectual, who presents a systematic challenge to the modernist, Western anthropological assumptions used to justify the imposition of neoliberal political and economic models and policies in Bolivia. The book is a critique, rooted in the historical and current context of Bolivia, of neoliberal reason and liberal political models that masquerade as “democracy,” “modernization,” and “development.” It forcefully illustrates the anti-democratic and authoritarian character of neoliberal reason, as well as demonstrating the centrality of the state to both liberal politics and its current manifestation in neoliberal order. The book provides a concise history of rebellion in Bolivia, but it is not orthodox historiography: there is no single mention of a “great historical figure” in Bolivian history, as the history is told from the perspective of the collective subjects of rebellion.
Returning to the Family Question: Anarchist Writing About the Family 1888-1908
Edited by Chris Kortright
Paperback | 280 pp. | 4.5 x 7 in | August 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9951551-6-9
PDF, EPUB and MOBI | May 2020
ISBN: 978-0-9951551-7-6
The debate over restructuring, reworking, challenging and/or dismantling the moral value of "The Family" has always been an important part of anarchist ideas. The critique and challenge of "The Family" and marriage has run through most anarchist currents from anarchist communism to egoism. As many anarchists rallied for gender and queer liberation, they argued that these liberations could not be separated from the abolition of the nuclear family, marriage and monogamy. In resent years, the question of the family had been dropped from many anarchist discussions. This return to older debates around the family offers anarchist an opportunity to think about or re-open anarchist discussions of the family question.
This book is offered as an introduction to these debates. The texts in this collection appeared in anarchist publications between 1888-1908. Most of the articles are from Liberty, The Firebrand, Lucifer: The Light-Bearer, and Mother Earth amount other publications.
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Returning to the Family Question: Anarchist Writing About the Family 1888-1908
Editor: Chris Kortright
Cover Artist: Marin Pitawanakwat Acoose
Who are we?
Changing Suns Press is a volunteer-run, collective anti-authoritarian publishing project. We are committed to the production and dissemination of engaging political, Do-It-Yourself, fiction and scholarly publications. We publish both original manuscripts and translations. We are dedicated to the production and dissemination of provocative and engaging print, digital and audio material.
Laura Bisaillon's review of A Labour of Liberation in Medical Anthropology Theory
Jenna Grant's review of Labour of Liberation in Anthropology Now
Focus on A Labour of Liberation by Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay
“A Labour of Liberation”: An interview with author Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay, Part 1 & 2
For part 2 on the interview, click Here