Changing Suns Authors
Luis Tapia
Changing Suns Book: Wild Politics
Photo of Luis Tapia
Born in Tarija, Bolivia, Luis Tapia is a philosopher and researcher. He directs the Critical Theory program at the Graduate Program in Development Studies (CIDES) at the Universidad de San Andrés in La Paz. Having previously studied at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the Universidad Autónoma de México (UAM), he received his PhD in political science from the Instituto Universitario de Pesquisas de Río de Janeiro (IUPERJ). Luis Tapia is the author of many works, including Marxismo transcrítico (La Paz: Autodeterminación,2017), Epistemología experimental (La Paz: CIDES, 2014), Universidad y pluriverso (La Paz: CIDES, 2014), and La condición multisocietal. Multiculturalidad, pluralismo y modernidad (CIDES/ Muela del Diablo Editores, 2002). Among Luis Tapia's most significant contributions to political philosophy is his rethinking of the notion of "abigarramiento" which he develops through a critical interpretation of the work of René Zavaleta Mercado (1939–1984), one of the most influential Bolivian political thinkers of the twentieth century.
Photo of John Clark
John Clark is a native of New Orleans, where his family has lived for twelve generations. He works with La Terre Institute for Community and Ecology, Common Knowledge: The New Orleans Cooperative Education Exchange and the Institute for the Radical Imagination, and is Professor Emeritus at Loyola University New Orleans. He writes a column, "Imagined Ecologies," for the journal Capitalism Nature Socialism, and edits the cyberjournal Psychic Swamp. An archive of nearly 300 of his texts can be found at He is active in the radical ecology and communitarian anarchist movements, and works on ecological restoration and eco-communitarianism at a 87-acre land project on Bayou La Terre, in the forest of coastal Mississippi. He is a member of the Education Workers’ Union of the Industrial Workers of the World.
His other books include: Max Stirner’s Egoism, The Philosophical Anarchism of William Godwin, The Anarchist Moment, Renewing the Earth (editor), Les Français des Etats-Unis (co-editor), Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology (co-editor), Elisée Reclus’ Voyage to New Orleans (editor and translator), Anarchy, Geography, Modernity, and The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism
His books under his pseudonym Max Cafard: The Surregionalist Manifesto and Other Writings, FLOOD BOOK, Surregional Explorations, and Lightning Storm Mind: Pre-Ancientist Meditations (forthcoming).
Killing King Abacus
Killing King Abacus
Changing Suns Book: Killing King Abacus Anthology
sasha k
sasha k grew up in Maine and New Zealand and has spent several years living in China where he experienced the 1989 Tiananmen protests first hand. That experience led him to insurrectionary anarchism, the Situationists, and communization theory. Active in the anarchist milieu he has published in journals such as Anarchy: A Journal of Desires Armed, Green Anarchy, The Alarm, Dissident and Aporia Journal.
Wolfi Landstreicher
Wolfi is a contemporary self-taught anarchist/egoist thinker. He edited the anarchist publication Willful Disobedience, which was published from 1996 until 2005, and currently publishes a variety of anarchist, radical, surrealist and poetic pamphlets and booklets through his project, Venomous Butterfly Publication. His ideas are influenced by insurrectionary anarchism, Max Stirner's egoism, surrealism, the Situationist International and critiques of civilization. He also wrote under the name Feral Faun from approximately 1982 to 1992. He has been published in journals such as: Modern Slavery: A Libertarian Critique Of Civilization, Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed; Live Wild or Die; Feral: A Journal Towards Wildness; and Demolition Derby. He has two books: Willful Disobedience and Feral Revolution (by Feral Faun) as well as many pamphlets and booklets. You can find some of his writing The Anarchist Library “Wolfi Landstreicher archive.”
Leila has been involved in several anarchist publishing projects. Her research interests are postcolonial magical realism and utopian fiction. Her articles and short stories have appeared in Wet Ink, Zyzzyva, the Anderson Valley Advertiser, the Indypendent, Alternative Press Review and others. She lives beyond the “redwood curtain” in the far north of California, where she teaches Creative Writing. She is currently revising her first novel.
Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay
Changing Suns Book: A Labour of Liberation
Photo of Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay
Baijayanta Mukhopadhyay is a family physician who works mainly in northern Ontario and northern Quebec, both in Indigenous communities and settler resource-economy towns. Additionally, Baj does some support work in inner-city health in Montreal amongst those who are homeless or street-involved, as well as migrants with precarious status. Baj is also the coordinator of the Canadian chapter of the People’s Health Movement, a global network of health justice activists challenging the political economy that leads to illness and disability. An immigrant to the country, Baj trained clinically in Montreal and Timmins, and was otherwise educated at Cornell University, with a MA in Sociology from McGill. Baj has previously published in Briarpatch Magazine, THIS Magazine and in the New Delhi-based Sarai Reader, as well as other venues. You can find some of his writing at Briarpatch Author Archive.